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Actions against the occupation of South Kurdistan that was approved by parliament on October 17 continue in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan.
Many organisations, among them the trade unions Egitim-Sen branch 3, 4 and 8 of Istanbul as well as Limter-Is and Tekstil-Sen , ESP , SDP and the Human Rights Association IHD organised an action on October 20 at Taksim Tram Station demanding the cancellation of the Iraq mission and a democratic solution to the Kurdish question.
On the evening of October 17, demonstrations took place in the Istanbul boroughs Gazi and Gulsuyu where parliament's approval was protested.
The ESP and SGD activists that gathered in front of Gazi Cemevi in Gazi with a banner read "No to a cross-border operation" demanded the cancellation of the approval. During the march until the Dortyol Square they shouted the slogans "Long live the fraternity of the people", in Turkish an Kurdish and "The Kurdish people are not alone"
On October 19 the population of Okmeydani, Istanbul, went on the streets to protest the permission for the occupation. At the action, which was organised by the Democratic Platform of Okmeydani, slogans were raised for the fraternity of the people.
The youth went on the streets, too. Members of the SGD (Socialist Youth Association) organised a march on October 17 from Gulsuyu Dinar Street to Heykel Square with a banner saying "We are not enemies but brothers. No to parliament's approval".
At the action the slogans "Do not go to the army, do not make your brother's blood spill", "No way to occupation, dirty war and colonialism" and "Resist fascism, get organised at SGD" were raised.
In Ankara the students of ODTU realised a march on October 18 and protested against the decision of parliament to occupy South Kurdistan.